On 16 June 2014 18:26, RussellMc wrote: > Just for 'fun'. >> > My oldest extant internet footprint AFAIK. > > > http://files.chatnfiles.com/SPACE_Astronomy_1093/TEXT/SPACEDIG/V16_1/V16N= O184.TXT > > That's the oldest post of mine that I've been able to find, but on reflection, my earliest internet connection was well prior to that. My wife points out that we have been here about 28 years and I was internet connected at the prior house. Say 29 or 30 years - 1984 - 1985 ish. What state was "the net" in then. I probably have some 360 kB floppy diskettes here that would have related material on them. Reading them may be another matter :-) Russell Wikipedia: In 1983, the ARPANET was split with U.S. military sites on their own Military Network (MILNET ) for unclassified defense department communications. The combination was called the Defense Data Network (DDN).[21] Separating the civil and military networks reduced the 113-node ARPANET by 68 nodes. Gateways relayed electronic mail bet= ween the two networks. MILNET later became the NIPRNet . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARPANET --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .