Hat:Steel, visor with minimal eye holes, closed. Pennant with three Lions Passant emblazoned, red. [MacMathghamha] This is the first post in an about to ensue necessarily fairly pointless discussion of posting preferences. Pointless because it has been thrashed out historically both in the public arena and on this list since forever and people largely have fixed or relatively intractable ideas and do not change them. There is merit in a range o methods and asserting that one or other is best is not going to convince many who do not believe already. There is also room for flexibility with circumstance. And/but - regardless of posting preferences, in a public forum, trimming out most old material is something which more should [tm] do. Anyone entering the lists in this tournament should first have read through the thread: "[OT] Top posting and the list" in April 2011. Lest they be unhorsed too promptly. Buckler is generally too light a protection for such afray - full shield and substantial visor are essentials. Thick skin an utter necessity. Russell MacMathghamha --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .