I have been using 16 and 18 series pics for 15 years or so, but need some advice with selecting something more powerful. The application is this : At one end of a serial link Read a 16 bit value from an ADC on the SPI bus, 30,000 times a second. Transmit that data out of the uart to another pic, at a minimum 600 kbits per second. At the other end: Receive the data into the uart Write the same 16 bit values to a DAC on the SPI bus, 30,000 times a second= .. My research so far has led me to choosing something from the PIC24EPXXXGP range. I believe that having the DMA available should help keep everything in time, which is critical for accurately reproducing the input waveform. The processors at each end will have some other minor activites, such as reading/writing io lines, so some spare clock cycles are required. Are there any reasons why this might not work / things to consider ? Is there a reason to look in more detail at the PIC32 for this ? Thanks, James --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .