Since the PIC is apparently malfunctioning, either the PIC is the=20 problem or the environment the PIC operates in is the problem. Run the PIC from a good quality linear supply. Slowly lower the supply=20 as the battery would normally do and see if the problem persists. Find=20 out if the PIC can work at all over the voltage range you need. If it=20 can then something else is afoot. The high current switcher will pull more and more current as the battery=20 voltage drops. And the battery internal resistance will be going up. =20 This could easily produce negative going spikes on the battery output=20 which is directly connected to the PIC, is it not? On 4/28/2014 8:53 AM, Dwayne Reid wrote: > I'm still open to suggestions. I'm reluctant to engage Microchip > Technical Support right now because they are *SO* un-responsive. > dwayne --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .