Mark: I just want to debug PIC stuff. Looked on the FTDI website and they have a UB232R - a USB/serial TTY tiny board that will plug in to a prototype board. Is this what you are referring to? Do you have a specific product in mind? --=20 Larry Bradley =20 Orleans (Ottawa) Canada=20 On Sat, 2014-04-19 at 16:28 -0600, Mark Rages wrote: > What's with everybody still using MAX232 (and presumably, RS-232) for > debugging? >=20 > For the price of a MAX232 and caps you can use an FT232RL and use a port > that ships on computers made in the last decade. >=20 > If it's just for a debug interface, FTDI TTL-level cables are really > commonplace. And there are cheaper FTDI-cable-pinout-compatible boards > that also use FTDI chips. >=20 > RS-232 as an interface standard has a lot of annoying features. The cable= s > are annoying, big and clunky, with gender not standardized, DCE/DTE, > hardware flow control, etc. No need to extend its life with MAX232s > everywhere. The FTDI chips give the convenience of async comms without t= he > annoying parts of RS232. >=20 > (Don't think I reject old things out of hand: My favorite Linux terminal > emulator is 'cu') >=20 > Regards, > Mark >=20 >=20 >=20 > On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 3:39 PM, John J. McDonough w= rote: >=20 > > On Sat, 2014-04-19 at 13:10 -0400, Larry Bradley wrote: > > > Josh: > > > > > > Finally got around to UART use on the PIC24F on the Microstick II. My > > > biggest problem was getting a terminal emulator working on Linux. Had > > > to use a MAX232 to interface to my PC. > > > > GTKterm has never been a problem for me. > > > > Sparkfun has an odd little thing they call a "Bus Pirate". It is > > available from some other sources, too. It has a USB interface that > > looks like a terminal to your PC, and a menu system that lets you > > manipulate the device through GTKterm (or PuTTY if you are an acolyte o= f > > the evil empire). > > > > The other end can talk TTL serial, I2C, SPI, OneWire, etc. Kind of a > > handy debugging thing. You can put it into a mode where it is basicall= y > > a USB to Serial converter with TTL levels. > > > > Their menu is kinda clunky so it isn't the most convenient thing in the > > world, but it sure beats wiring up a MAX232 just for testing. > > > > --McD > > > > > > -- > > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > > View/change your membership options at > > > > >=20 >=20 >=20 > --=20 > Regards, > Mark > markrages@gmail --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .