Hi all I've "always" just used the "standard" crystal package that we all know and love(?), you know, the oval-ish can with the two legs. But the board I'm designing (for the 4th time) is a bit limited in space, so I'm investigating smaller options. I've come across on alibaba some SMD crystals of various sizes; is there a limit to how small you can go? I'm using a PIC24FJ64, intending running a 20MHz oscillator. I've found for example 2025 packages, which seems extremely small, other 3225 packages, 5032 packages... is there such a thing as too small, as in it won't work with the PIC? I'd probably be happy enough with 5032, that's roughly half the size of my current through-hole can. Anything to watch out for when using these, design considerations, capacitor values (currently 22pF)...? Any input appreciated Thanks Lee --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .