All, I want to do some analysis on several data sets onsisting of 32768 data points per file. Each file consists of a signal value that has some average value, and varies from the average value versus time. From this information, one can determine the direction and magnitude of each datapoint but subtracting the average from it (or adding, whichever is appropriate). The next scenario is similar, but with a slight difference. The data from out DUT is going along just as it did in the scenario above for some period of time. Then, all of a sudden, there is a step function whering the data central value drops some arbitrary magnitude, stays there for a while, then=20 returns to the previous level and continues on as if nothing had happened. =20 =20 This step may happen once, it may happen several time, or it ma not happen at all. With all of that said, here is the question... Is there a way to determine, using mathematical methods, if this step dunction occured in a given file without actually graphing the file and physically looking at it? I have about 1000 files to check for this phenomenon, and I would like to do some sort of mathematical analysis on it to fine files that have signs of this step function happening rather than graphing each=20 and every file, only to find most of them don't show the problem. What I want to do is do some dort of test on each data point and see if here is a large step from one=20 point to the next, and if so, how long (in sample periods) does it take to get to the new steady value. Then test to see how many sample periods it stays at that new level.=20 And finally, how fast does it rise=20 back to the previous steady level. I've tried the usual statistical functions, but I can't seem to get a reliable indication. Does anyone have any idea? If so, please enlighten me. =20 2 4 =20 . . . . ... V V . . . . 1> .... . . . . . . . .... . . .. . . . . <5 . . . . . . . . . 3> . . . . . .=20 I have included ere a very primitive drawing of what I want to find. If this drawing comes through intact, you will see an average value,=20 denoted by number 1 on the X axis. =20 The at point 2, we see a sudden drop to a new average value at point 3. The signal stays at this level for a period of time (Varies between occurances), and then goes back to the previous level at point 4, and stays at that level for another period of time (like at point 5). The step may occur again in the same file one or more times, or it may not happen again in that file at all. So if anyone has any ideas as to how to detect this mathematically, I'd appreciate=20 hearing how you propose to do it. =20 P.S. This is not math homework, and I am not a student wanting help with my homework. I am doing this as part of my employment. Thanks and Regards, Jim --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .