On 17 November 2013 03:40, Justin Richards wrote= : > On 28 September 2013 03:53, John Ferrell wrote: > > > Please bring us back pictures, do not bother to edit them, this is not = a > > graded exercise! > > I am the sort of fellow who gets off a Cruise ship and walks the > > neighborhoods rather than the shops! > > > > > A mix of 14 days in Shenzhen > > > https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=3Da.10202347436189114.1073741825.= 1288513066&type=3D1&l=3D77c4e83884 > > Hard to compete with Russell's but as they are not graded ... > Yours are fine. My Shenzhen photos are much the same as yours - in both cases they were largely (as far as I can see :-) ) not intended to be "artistic creations" but rather snapshots of what is seen while walking through the area. The one "improvement:" that I'd suggest is to, if possible, load your photos in Facebook "high resolution" mode with a long side of 2048 pixels (or greater). This is Facebook's maximum allowed resolution. Larger gets compressed. Loading in landscape mode will then more than fill an HD 1080 (or more screen). I thought that yours complemented my "Last train to Shuagalong" album http://bit.ly/LastTraintoShuagalong Most of yours are taken in locations that I did not visit (apart from the electronics areas) - easily achieved as it's a vast city. But 112 and 114 and others near there (lake and goldfish) look very like the park near Dongmen walking street. _______________ I was surprised by a comment which I saw but now cannot refind which said something like "Russell does not take photos of ordinary people but concentrates on youth & beauty." While there is some bias towards such (especially 'beauty'? :-) ) I thought I managed a very wide mix of people and situations. As a check, I did a 'stroke count' of photos in my LTTS album (photos 50-99 and 100-149 and scored them under broad headings - and there seems to be a good sampling of "ordinary folk" and situations. ( eg at least 75 79 81 82 85 91 93 94 96 97 ...) _______________ FWIW: I'm always aware of the bias with male photographers towards achieving a 'sample set' biased somewhat towards young female content. Young is a very relative term - when you achieve more exalted years the range of "young" also grows :-). When I photograph 'commissioned events' such as weddings, parties, birthdays etc I try to be aware of such tendencies and make special efforts to increase the male / older content. The reasons for a bias in photo content are complex and not always well understood or acknowledged. There is the obvious fact that the males (in most cases) are programmed towards young and beautiful [tm] females. But women tend to be 'more interesting' in dress and presentation (and women photographers find this too), are generally keener to be photographed, are more liable to expect a man to want to photograph them (ie men are more liable to wonder why), and it's easier for a man to approach women than men (other side of same factor). Add it all up and you can get a substantial bias. [I tell people that I like to photograph males and females, young and old, and if they happen to be young, female and pretty [tm], so much the better. :-) ] I'm a committed Christian and wish to conduct myself in a manner that honours the boss's intentions. But I also enjoy meeting and interacting with people and believe that life and people are to be enjoyed. My perspectives will certainly not match those of all Christians and some would look askance at what I consider 'proper'. I occasionally take a random sampling of the last year of so of photos, or photos from a major trip, or whatever and perform an informal analysis of photos under a range of headings. example only! this might include food, scenery, people general single female, group of females, single male, group of males, young/old/whatever. I have no exact purpose in doing this but do like to know my own mind/tendencies/ biases/ ... . Most people are no doubt happy enough to 'just take photos' without such analysis. _____________ Dangerous subject: I'll type this, see how it reads and decide whether to delete or include. Along with all the rest, I like to take photos of children of all ages and of either gender - new born babies on up. For obvious reasons, I've carefully examined my motives - important in all areas but especially so in this one. In this increasingly wary 'stranger danger' fearing world it becomes increasingly risky to behave in what would have once usually have been a decent and open and 'pure hearted' manner in such areas. Interestingly, and initially to my surprise, China is far more open and tolerant in this area than is eg my own country. I go out of my way to not annoy parents and others and to not create fears or concerns with my photography - not just in taking photos of young people but across the board. However, the obsessed photographers of this world (an affliction similar to being an "engineer" ) tend to have at least a smattering of the Paparazzi gene - and sometimes a fairly large dose thereof - and one man's 'wholly reasonable behaviour' can be outside some other person's comfort zone. Add a stubborn streak of not wanting to be arbitrarily be compelled to conform to the world's mold for no 'good' reason (may come from an Irish ancestry) and, in occasion, " it's all on". On a few occasions I have been reported to the police - never with anything like good cause, and always with completely problem free outcome, but it's still not a comfortable feeling, and not something I try to achieve. OK - I'll leave that in. This photo session at a local BMX park http://bit.ly/TePai130727 earned me a subsequent visit from the Police. The album there includes every photo taken so the Police could see what I had been doing - rather than just a subset of the better ones eg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak -prn1/1236724_528027440604089_410273272_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak -prn1/993995_528026567270843_2082406711_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak -ash3/1240323_528026780604155_508448135_n.jpg Left to my own devices I'll probably come up with material more like : http://bit.ly/RANDOMMUSINGS01 or http://goo.gl/1S4cm Definitely a bias towards 'youth and beauty' - but a large cross section of other material as well. Russell --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .