--_003_52732B289070308monashedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Have a look at: http://www.simetrix.co.uk/site/index.html and try the demo version. My students use it for their circuit analysis wor= k in=20 3rd year labs. Regards, Antonio Benci. On 1/11/2013 3:24 AM, Lindy Mayfield wrote: > I did a bad thing, and I cannot believe how stupid I was. > > I have Introductory Circuit Analysis by Robert L Boylestad, 11th edition,= and highly recommended by some in this group. It is one of the best I've = seen and read, and I very highly recommend it, too. > > In it he uses PSpice software in some of his examples. Now, this edition= is from I think 2007. > > So I found PSpice Student 9.1 Student version from softronic (google will= bring it first), thinking that my PC is heavily protected by up-to-date vi= rus/etc software, and I got sucked in. Big time. > > When it installed I saw browsers opening up that I didn't ask for, and I = knew I had been screwed. It changed my home pages for my browsers and also= inserted MyWebSearch as default search engines, and more. It took me abou= t an hour or so to get rid of it all. Needless to say, I was torqued off b= ig time. > > Needless to say that when I deleted softronic crap it left the malware, a= nd all that. And when I installed it, I said no to any questions it asked = about additional software. > > Rant over: Now my question. Obviously PSpice is out, but is there an alt= ernative to it? Or perhaps an "honest" version that I could trust? Has an= yone used it? Or gotten suckered in like me? > > Thanks! > Lindy > > > --_003_52732B289070308monashedu_ Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name="Nino_Benci.vcf" Content-Description: Nino_Benci.vcf Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Nino_Benci.vcf"; size=834; creation-date="Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:25:56 GMT"; modification-date="Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:25:56 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCmZuOkFudG9uaW8gTC4gQmVuY2kNCm46QmVuY2k7QW50b25pbyBMLg0Kb3Jn Ok1vbmFzaCBVbml2ZXJzaXR5O0ZhY3VsdHkgb2YgU2NpZW5jZQ0KYWRyOjs7QkxENDAvRzYyO01v bmFzaCBVbml2ZXJzaXR5O1ZJQzszODAwO0F1c3RyYWxpYQ0KZW1haWw7aW50ZXJuZXQ6bmluby5i ZW5jaUBtb25hc2guZWR1DQp0aXRsZTpTZW5pb3IgVGVjaG5pY2FsIE9mZmljZXIgLyBFbGVjdHJv bmljIFNlcnZpY2VzIE1hbmFnZXIvIE9IUyBSZXANCnRlbDt3b3JrOis2MTMgOTkwNSAzNjQ5DQp0 ZWw7ZmF4Ois2MTMgOTkwNSAzNjM3DQp0ZWw7Y2VsbDorNjE0MTQ5MjQ4MzMNCm5vdGU7cXVvdGVk LXByaW50YWJsZTpBbGJlcnQgRWluc3RlaW49MEQ9MEE9DQoJPUUyPTgwPTlDSWYgYSBjbHV0dGVy ZWQgZGVzayBpcyBhIHNpZ24gb2YgYSBjbHV0dGVyZWQgbWluZCwgdGhlbiB3aGF0IGFyZT0NCgl3 ZSB0byB0aGluayBvZiBhbiBlbXB0eSBkZXNrPz1FMj04MD05RD0wRD0wQT0NCgk9MEQ9MEE9DQoJ UmljayBDb29rPTBEPTBBPQ0KCSJQcm9ncmFtbWluZyB0b2RheSBpcyBhIHJhY2UgYmV0d2VlbiBz b2Z0d2FyZSBlbmdpbmVlcnMgc3RyaXZpbmcgdG8gYnVpbGQ9DQoJYmlnZ2VyIGFuZCBiZXR0ZXIg aWRpb3QtcHJvb2YgcHJvZ3JhbXMsIGFuZCB0aGUgdW5pdmVyc2UgdHJ5aW5nIHRvIGJ1aWxkYj0N CglpZ2dlciBhbmQgYmV0dGVyIGlkaW90cy4gU28gZmFyIHRoZSB1bml2ZXJzZSBpcyB3aW5uaW5n Ig0KdmVyc2lvbjoyLjENCmVuZDp2Y2FyZA0KDQo= --_003_52732B289070308monashedu_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="ATT00001.txt" Content-Description: ATT00001.txt Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ATT00001.txt"; size=224; creation-date="Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:25:56 GMT"; modification-date="Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:25:56 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 LS0gDQpodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBpY2xpc3QuY29tL3RlY2hyZWYvcGljbGlzdCBQSUMvU1ggRkFRICYg bGlzdCBhcmNoaXZlDQpWaWV3L2NoYW5nZSB5b3VyIG1lbWJlcnNoaXAgb3B0aW9ucyBhdA0KaHR0 cDovL21haWxtYW4ubWl0LmVkdS9tYWlsbWFuL2xpc3RpbmZvL3BpY2xpc3QNCg== --_003_52732B289070308monashedu_-- .