Hi all, I was happily on my way to using an MCP79412 RTCC chip to a PIC 18F =20 circuit, then remembered that there are 18F's with RTCC's built in. =20 But the PIC has no separate battery backup option. Main power =20 (automotive 12V) to the PIC circuit *will* get cut off regularly, and =20 sometimes for months, so I need to find some way to keep the clock =20 running during that time. The MCP79412 would allow me to add an external battery, but if I can =20 add some type of power to the PIC and use it's RTCC instead (to =20 simplify and lower costs), that would be better. I could add a battery management chip, but these seem to cost more =20 than the MCP79412 ($0.89ea in 100-pc qtys). Alternatively I can add a (relatively) large capacitor to the PIC, =20 detect vehicle power and use a MOSFET to switch off power to the other =20 components on the board (other PICs, etc). I'd probably raise the =20 main regulator output voltage to 5.4-ish volts, then use separate =20 diodes to the main PIC and the rest of the circuit. And I could also do something similar as the cap, but with a CR2032 or =20 similar. The simplicity of the MCP79412 is nice, as I don't have to mess with =20 the main PIC code for this. The battery or capacitor option would be =20 nicer if it's just a dime or two in extra cost (not including the =20 battery, which I'd need for any of these solutions). I'm wondering how others have tackled this. Any ideas? Cheers, -Neil. --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .