> How did water-proof ( uncured ? ) glue come to be floating on the surface of water in swimming pool ? I don't believe Rzzzzz is a list member (no such name in list member record). I know about the glue though - so can on this occasion comment :-). Other questions relating to an existing thread may (or may not) be better handled on that thread so the continuity is maintained, should anyone else be interested. Glue was used to patch an underwater hole in a PVC swimming pool liner. Glue was designed for underwater patching so was both "stickyish" and water resistant and relatively aggressive (aka "high-VOC").. Instructions were to apply copious glue to patch while above water, fold patch in two, take to underwater hole, unfold and apply. Events demonstrated that if enough glue was applied that some would come off the patch while it was immersed and that it was buoyant so that the glue would rise to the surface. Rising to the surface with head back to take a breath in such a way that a floating glue layer coated one's eye surface proved to be 'an extremely bad idea'. Rrrr --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .