Hat: Admin Long unused. Annoying to wear. Grumpy to have to do so. Don't make me further regret it. Gus 1. You are (IMHO) a valued list member I suspect not 100% of list members hold that opinion, but it takes all types :-). Your contributions are often unusual, often interesting, sometimes bizarre. They often add to the rich tapestry of life and of the PICList. I appreciate (much of :-) ) your input and am pleased to have you as a member of our joint community. That's good. BUT ... 2. I could send this offlist. That would have the advantage of not prompting others to not pay more attention to something not worth attending to. I wot that its worth sending this onlist. We'll see. That bit of rubbish you posted was a bit of rubbish with zero merit from any perspective that I can think of (really) and I really have no idea why you thought it worth posting, let alone why you thought there would be value to you or anyone else in you doing so. Or that it would not waken the dozing watchdogs, good cops and bad cops and other misc guardians. [Am I being rude enough yet?] It's not as if there is anything 'bad', 'indecent' 'rude' or whatever about it that is liable to exceed hurdle level for the vast majority of list members (I imagine)(I may be wrong). There will however be a certain number of list members whose permissions to receive future list feed may be adversely affected by such banalities. That may seem unlikely, but past incidents suggest it is likely to be true. But, the main point is that such material is clearly going to be deemed outside list guidelines by the admins if they ever get round to discussing it. 'Clearly' carries the normal range of meanings. The list relies on people who have free access to the list to have a generally similar understanding of what "clearly unacceptable' being is liable to mean and not push the limits. That more than pushes the limits. If you wish to continue be "one of the people who has free access to the list" then you need a better grasp of what is "clearly unacceptable". Please acquire such immediately :-). It would be really really stupid to end up getting on moderation for such trivia It's a possible outcome. Moderation is a pain for all concerned - certainly as much for the admins as for the moderatee. Please ensure that we can all avoid being pained. In case the above was wordy enough as to be unclear in meaning: Please consider this a written warning. Posting such material is liable to get you placed on moderation. I personally really really don't want to see that happen (really). Please use better judgement over what yo post. Please. (NB: Written warnings are a luxury and not a necessary part of any process. Sometimes they may actually be beneficial to the recipient for obscure reasons PLEASE do not waste this one. Hats off. Russell --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .