Hi Tamas, I have some experiences on electronics, from small multivibrator with 2=20 transistor 2SB178 until currently handling some "smart" microcontroller=20 from atmel and pic, for me they're not smart, hehehe, human is the=20 smartest, I've done electronic engineering about 20 years ago. Is your question relevant with my question ? My question is only a counter, How about yourself, can you introduce yourself ? Thanks On 30/06/2013 8:35 AM, Tamas Rudnai wrote: > Hi, > > Could you please introduce yourself, like how much experience do you have > in electronics (analogue and digital, especially in other microcontroller= s > or ASICs or FPGAs etc)? Right now we do not know how do you want us to he= lp > you? > > Thanks, > Tamas > > > > On 29 June 2013 16:41, Electronic Consultation < > electronic.consultation.au@gmail.com> wrote: > >> can it support assembly on PIC ? >> thanks >> On 29/06/2013 9:42 PM, Allen Mulvey wrote: >>> You might want to check out the MikroElektronica timer >>> calculator. It is free. Just specify which PIC you are using >>> and the time you want and it will give all the necessary >>> settings. >>> >>> http://www.libstock.com/projects/view/398/timer-calculator >>> >>> Allen >>> >>>> -----Original Message----- >>>> From: piclist-bounces@mit.edu [mailto:piclist- >>>> bounces@mit.edu] On Behalf Of Electronic Consultation >>>> Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 6:44 AM >>>> To: Microcontroller discussion list - Public. >>>> Subject: Re: [PIC]Counter in PIC >>>> >>>> Is my counter will give me the right 10ms ? >>>> >>>> ;********************************************* >>>> ************************* >>>> ; 10ms timer function calls >>>> ;********************************************* >>>> ************************* >>>> ;....... 10ms timer counter here..... >>>> timer10ms >>>> movf 0x0A >>>> btfsc STATUS,Z >>>> goto timer10ms >>>> >>>> >>>> ;.................................... >>>> >>>> incf COUNT1, f >>>> movlw .10 ;Compare count to 100 decimal >>>> subwf COUNT1, W ;Store the result back in >>>> btfss STATUS, C ;Is the result 0, skip if >>> no >>>> goto exittimer >>>> clrf COUNT1 >>>> On 29/06/2013 1:45 PM, eCHIP wrote: >>>>> If you need a 100 mS delay with a 4 MHz PICmicro, below >>> is >>>> the code. >>>>> delay1mS movlw .250 >>>>> movwf temp1 >>>>> clrwdt >>>>> decfsz temp1,f >>>>> goto $-2 >>>>> retlw 00 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> delay100ms movlw .100 >>>>> movwf temp >>>>> call delay1ms >>>>> decfsz temp,f >>>>> goto $-2 >>>>> retlw 00 >>>>> >>>>> Cheers >>>>> >>>>> Ravi >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Hi, when you post to the Piclist you need to put an >>>> appropriate topic >>>>>> tag in the subject line. This time I have added one to >>> your >>>> message. Bob >>>>>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Electronic >>> Consultation >>>> wrote: >>>>>>> Guys, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Am I creating a right counter for PIC ? >>>>>>> >>>>>>> timer100ms >>>>>>> movlw 0x64 >>>>>>> movwf COUNT1 >>>>>>> decfsz COUNT1 >>>>>>> return >>>>>>> >>>>>>> thanks >>>> -- >>>> http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list >>>> archive >>>> View/change your membership options at >>>> http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist >> -- >> http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive >> View/change your membership options at >> http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist >> > > --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .