> Is there a way to compute the optimum value of pull up (or > pull down) resistors on PIC digital inputs? Hi Allen, yes and no, selection is going to depend a bit on the circuit. In theory the value will have to be between a value which overcomes the pin leakage current (1uA) by some margin and a value which does not let the pin exceed Imax (20 or 25mA) In practice though, a pull-up of several hundred k could leave the pin susceptible to noise and a pull-up of a few hundred is going to be wasteful of power However, there is a guide in the datasheets PortB pull-ups are often defined as 400uA when Vpin =3D Vss. Assuming Vcc =3D 5V, this equates to a resistance of V/I =3D R or 5,000,000uV/400uA =3D 12500 ohms So that's what Microchip has decided is a generally useable pull-up Joe --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .