I've built system based on a SURE electronics clone of the PIC24F starter k= it & starter kit code. The program writes ASCII data to a USB flashdrive at= one second intervals. While it behaves well with a 2GB USB drive installed= , if I use an 8GB drive which has been partitioned down to 2GB and formatte= d as FAT16, I randomly get garbage written to the logging file (when I look= at the data, I see mostly the data that should be present, but with random= blocks of 'binary'). Sometimes the drive becomes unreadable. I used EaseUS partition master to do the partitioning. I'm using the Microchip Memory Disk Drive File System to write to the flash= drive. My understanding was that that would only work with FAT16 drives, b= ut I see on the website that it claims to work with FAT32. Has anyone used = this library successfully with large FAT32 USB drives? Thanks for any pointers, Joe --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .