On 3/21/2013 8:36 PM, Jim Franklin wrote: > Unfortunately, if the pages listed below are anything like the rest of th= e > Microchip documentation I have had to use, he'd be better reading a comic > book. The MC docs can be fuzzy, misleading and in places self-contradicti= ng. > > I still love the chips themselves, just not the documents, or the IDE or = the > compilers! > > One thing James has done correctly is to ignore the official forums and c= ome > straight here, where he will get answers. > > -Disgruntled PIC user, considering moving to Atmel as their IDE is more > stable. > > > > i, too, love PICs and MC has made a number of blunders, which they have=20 tried to cover up.. but everybody else has similar problems. You will regret going to Atmel,=20 for example. I started with MC just two weeks after they brought out the first=20 microcontroller back in the 1980's. I'd just gotten hung out to dry by Motorola, with 15 projects designed=20 using HC05's, and being unable to get production parts for my clients. In all that time MC has _NEVER_ failed me. Not even once. In return,=20 they have my loyalty, because they EARNED it. -- Bob Axtell --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .