Tag added ... >=20 > I dabbled in a bit of PIC programming around 2005 or so and need to get = my > PicStart Plus out for a few projects. >=20 > I am running Debian Squeeze now so the original picasm and the emulator > binaries are long gone since that time but I did find picasm114.tar sour= ce and it > compiles without so much as even a warning. >=20 > Are there newer versions of picasm or an assembler that will handle both= the > old PIC's and newer ones? >=20 > I also have lost track of what software emulators are open-source and ab= le to > work in a command-line environment in Debian Linux. >=20 > Thanks for any and all help. Yeah, it's known as MPLAB-X and runs on top of Java, so will essentially ru= n on any system that supports java. It is a bit unstable at present, but Mi= crochip have announced the last version of the old MPLAB will be released i= n June, and after that it will be MPLAB-X only. See http://www.microchip.com/pagehandler/en-us/family/mplabx/ for the downl= oad and documentation. --=20 Scanned by iCritical. --=20 http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .