--_002_20133692531379431techmanPC_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ::manufacturer rip-off. Just like the current $50 printer, $5000 ::per litre ink racket There is one calculation the Daily Mail has left out of that article. They write, 'the HP45, had 42ml of ink and cost ?20. It could print,=20 according to HP?s website, 930 pages. Today, the same company?s=20 best-selling HP300 has just 5ml and sells for ?13. It manages only 200=20 pages'. They go on to assert that that is poor value for money, except it isn't=20 quite as bad as they say (though i do agree with the premise). They state that 5ml or ink in a current model cartridge only prints 200=20 pages (I assume this is the standard famed 5% coverage of an A4 page),=20 whereas the older 42ml cartridge could ink 930 pages. If you normalize this, so that the 5ml cartridge contains 40ml it ought to= =20 cover 1600 pages approx for ?7.00 less, making it far better value for=20 money, and to fiddle figures even more, after adjusting for inflation and=20 wage increases (if any) the outcome could alter either way again. What annoys me most, is that my printer a Ricoh Gel printer wastes most of= =20 the ink by cleaning and pressurising the cartridges after long periods of=20 no use. If there was some way of preventing the delivery system from=20 drying out and clogging up, my ink usage would go down, in fact perversely= =20 it would go down quite substantially if I used it more. Colin -- cdb, colin@btech-online.co.uk on 6/03/2013 =20 Web presence: www.btech-online.co.uk =20 =20 Hosted by: www.justhost.com.au =20 =20 This email is to be considered private if addressed to a named individual= =20 or Personnel Department, and public if addressed to a blog, forum or news= =20 article. =20 =20 =20 --_002_20133692531379431techmanPC_ Content-Type: text/plain; name="ATT00001.txt" Content-Description: ATT00001.txt Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ATT00001.txt"; size=224; creation-date="Tue, 05 Mar 2013 23:31:13 GMT"; modification-date="Tue, 05 Mar 2013 23:31:13 GMT" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 LS0gDQpodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBpY2xpc3QuY29tL3RlY2hyZWYvcGljbGlzdCBQSUMvU1ggRkFRICYg bGlzdCBhcmNoaXZlDQpWaWV3L2NoYW5nZSB5b3VyIG1lbWJlcnNoaXAgb3B0aW9ucyBhdA0KaHR0 cDovL21haWxtYW4ubWl0LmVkdS9tYWlsbWFuL2xpc3RpbmZvL3BpY2xpc3QNCg== --_002_20133692531379431techmanPC_-- .