Guys.... I have a problem.... I have just started with 24F's in ASM30 and have run into a stubborn issue. I have a simple piece of code that kicks a text display into life.=20 The main code operates from the reset to the first call to a subroutine tha= t is in an included file. At this point the simulator goes back to the __rese= t line in the main source code instead of switching to the included file. If = I have the code in line in the main file it simulates properly. It does this with both MPLAB Sim and ICD3.=20 When ICD3 is the target the program runs on the device properly it also displays as expected in the disassembly listing. This was never a problem with and 8 bit device and I cant drive 'C' yet and there is very sparse web recourses on ASM30 at all... Thanks in advance Steve=20 Main code segment .equ, 1 ;=20 .include "" ; INCLUDE FILES .global __reset ; reset vector .global __T2Interrupt ; Timer ISR entry .global delay .section __CONFIG_REG.sec, code .global __CONFIG_REG __CONFIG_REG: .pword POSCMOD_NONE & IOL1WAY_ON & OSCIOFNC_OFF & FCKSM_CSECMD & FNOSC_FRCPLL & PLL96MHZ_ON & PLLDIV_DIV2 & IESO_ON .DATA ; Switch to DATA RAM segment: Flag_0: .space 2 ; Reserve two bytes (one 16-bit word) in a DATA RAM space for FLAGS bits ; Bit assignments in Flag_0: Tick =3D 0 ; Bit 0 in Flag_0 is named Tick ..extern Start_TXT ..extern TXT_Cmd ..extern TXT_Dta ; Start of executable code: __reset: =09 bra Init ..include "interrupt.s" ; int handlers =09 Init: mov #__SP_init,W15 ; Initialise stack pointer and stack limit register, mov #__SPLIM_init,W0 ; __SP_init and __SPLIM_init values are defined at compile/link time. mov W0,SPLIM ; nop=09 =09 ; bset T2CON,#TCS ; int/2 and on and /8 bset T2CON,#TCKPS0 bset T2CON,#TON bset IPC0,#T2IP0 ; timer 1 lowest priority bset IEC0,#T2IE ; enable int=09 call Start_TXT ; THIS IS THE CALL THAT GOES WRONG nop mov.b #'F',W0 call TXT_Dta ; .....and then=20 ..include "" ; this is currently at the bottom of code but it fails in the same way where ever it gets put !!! Start_TXT TXT_Cmd TXT_Dta ..extern delay ;-------------LCD Port setup with standard text module----------------------- Start_TXT: mov #0b1111101111111011,W0 mov W0,TRISD ; RS,E outputs nop bclr PORTD,#0x02 ; E low clr PORTE mov #0xFF00,W0 ; E0-7=20 mov W0,TRISE ; make outputs=20 mov.b #0x38,W0 ; 8 bit call TXT_Cmd There is more here --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .