I smell religious war. Solarwind, you started it. Your first post today in this thread could easily have been composed without bashing Microsoft. Bob On Wed, Oct 3, 2012, at 05:23 PM, V G wrote: > On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Tamas Rudnai > wrote: >=20 > > You do not need to tell me security issues, I work on this field for 20= + > > years (on the good side before you ask me :-) ). > > > > However, saying that something is more secure just because it was writt= en > > by someone else is wrong -- sorry to say that, but that's the naked tru= th. > > Our ThreatSeeker Network for example catches hunders of thousands of > > compromised websites every day, and I can't even remember if any of the= m > > was running on a customized web server. You need a different approach f= or > > security measurements than just trust on a code based solely on who wri= tten > > it or the size of the customer base. > > >=20 > I wonder what versions of server software is being used. There will > always > be security vulnerabilities. The key is that they're found and patched > quickly. That's the whole point of using something like Apache. There are > thousands of people who are working on it and constantly fixing bugs and > vulnerabilities. Microsoft, on the other hand, is not known for good > practices such as this. Am I wrong? >=20 > Oh, and btw2: Linux has just as many or even more vulnerabilities then > > Microsoft has, which may or may not be targeted by the cyber criminals.= On > > the server-wise Linux is probably more on the highlight for the attacke= rs > > as that is used most for hosting. On mobile platform you are in a much > > higher danger if you use Android (which is technically a Linux system),= or > > a custom OS like BlackBerry or Symbian, than you had a Windows CE or > > Windows Mobile device. In the other hand on the desktop field Microsoft > > Windows is definitely under the siege. Having said that, Microsoft now = has > > a much better program on monitoring and patching the code as well as > > consulting with the security experts on this field than any of the > > Linux distribution or the kernel guys does. I am saying all of these ev= en > > though I am a Linux/Unix and Mac fan. > > >=20 > "Having said that, Microsoft now has > a much better program on monitoring and patching the code as well as > consulting with the security experts on this field than any of the > Linux distribution or the kernel guys does." >=20 > Haha. Good one. Somehow I highly doubt anything that comes out of > Microsoft > is of better quality (including security) than something from the OpenBSD > distribution. The majority of the web agrees. Much Linux server software > comes from the OpenBSD codebase, by the way. --=20 http://www.fastmail.fm - A fast, anti-spam email service. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .