On 4 Oct 2012 at 13:44, IVP wrote: > Are MT1 and MT2 of a triac interchangeable ? >From memory there are 4 "quadrants" of TRIAC triggering... MT1 +ve, MT2-ve - Gate +ve MT1 -ve, MT2+ve - Gate +ve MT1 +ve, MT2-ve - Gate -ve MT1 -ve, MT2+ve - Gate -ve All are viable, some are more sensitive than others, eg. lower gate current= required --=20 Brent Brown, Electronic Design Solutions 9 Titoki Place, Pukete, Hamilton 3200, New Zealand Ph: +64 7 849 0069 Fax: +64 7 849 0071 Cell: +64 27 433 4069 eMail: brent.brown@clear.net.nz --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .