Anyone else tried this? Good/bad? I have a project with a PIC24 that is using the self programming of flash t= o store some non-volatile data including a slow count - up time in minute i= ncrements. The counter is part of a larger structure of NV data. I want to avoid rewriting the whole block each time the counter is updated = and came up with the following. Flash when erased reads all ones. Writing changes ones to zeros. Overwritin= g can happen but only to change ones to zeros (I assume the PIC flash behav= es like other NOR flash in this regard). By setting aside a byte or two as = a counter, each count could be represented as a zeroed bit, each bit zeroed= being an increment. When all are zeroed, a real counter is updated with th= e number of bits at zero and the process can start over. As a further enhan= cement, each time the block is written for an update of something else, the= counter would be updated from the bit count and the bit counter erased to = go again. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .