=20 Hi, thanks for all the input! The proposal to let float the cold end of the voltage divider by simply connecting it to a PIC input port appears as a rather dirty solution to me, for due to the protection diodes an undefined current flow "to somewhere" can happen. (I once operated a 628A by simply connecting a RS232 Rx line to constant +5V (idle state) via a 1k resistor!) The proposal with the MOSFET to apply the battery voltage to the divider is surely professional, but I like most the solution with the PNP transistor which base is "triggered" via the capacitor! This solution surely consumes nothing but the base-collector current plus the leakage current through the capacitor which both are way lower than those 2=B5A of my 1702. May be the = PNP can be replaced by a Mosfet. Will check this out by making a test setup and if any more problems or enhancements appear I'll let you know! Thanks again, the PicList is of real help! Peter --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .