As a novice, finding replacement transistors for the amp section that are pin compatible, cheap and readily available has proved to be time consuming. Currently a 2SD314 NPN (T220) is in the output stage. TIP31C(T220) appears similar , as is 2N3055 (T03) and the circuit board has been designed to take either T220 or T03. min/max hfe for 2SD314 and 2N3055 are 40/320 and 20/70 respectively. As amp designers must consider a range of hfe's anyway and as I have a handful of these (both TIP31C and 2N3055) it seem like the right decision. (I intend to change the other side PNP to it its complement MJ2955 and similarly in the other channel) All other specs appear to be an improvement. Again, as a novice I am thinking, the 2N3055 can handle more power and the only reason they are not in there in the first place or something similar was manufacturing cost. But again as a previous thread pointed out there can be risks not immediately obvious to the novice. No real harm in experimenting as the amp is non-serviceable and would not be a great loss. However, I would welcome any recommendations either way. For those still reading, the specs for the components are pasted below. Justin Type Designator: 2SD314 Material of transistor: Si Polarity: npn Maximum collector power dissipation (Pc): 30W Maximum collector-base voltage (Ucb): 60V Maximum collector-emitter voltage (Uce): 60V Maximum emitter-base voltage (Ueb): 5V Maximum collector current (Ic max): 3A Maximum junction temperature (Tj): 150=B0C Transition frequency (ft): 4MHz Collector capacitance (Cc), Pf: 130 Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min/max: 40/320 Manufacturer of 2SD314 transistor: SANYO Package of 2SD314 transistor: TO220 Application: Power, General Purpose Type Designator: 2N3055 Material of transistor: Si Polarity: npn Maximum collector power dissipation (Pc): 117W Maximum collector-base voltage (Ucb): 100V Maximum collector-emitter voltage (Uce): 70V Maximum emitter-base voltage (Ueb): 7V Maximum collector current (Ic max): 15A Maximum junction temperature (Tj): 200=B0C Transition frequency (ft): 200KHz Collector capacitance (Cc), Pf: - Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min/max: 20/70 Manufacturer of 2N3055 transistor: MOTOROLA Package of 2N3055 transistor: TO3 Application: High Power, High Voltage, General Purpose Type Designator: TIP31C Material of transistor: Si Polarity: npn Maximum collector power dissipation (Pc): 40W Maximum collector-base voltage (Ucb): 140V Maximum collector-emitter voltage (Uce): 100V Maximum emitter-base voltage (Ueb): 5V Maximum collector current (Ic max): 3A Maximum junction temperature (Tj): 150=B0C Transition frequency (ft): 3MHz Collector capacitance (Cc), Pf: Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min/max: 20/100 Manufacturer of TIP31C transistor: TI Package of TIP31C transistor: TO220 Application: High Power, High Voltage, General Purpose --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .