Good day to all. I'm finishing the documentation for a project that shipped a couple=20 of weeks ago and that brought something to mind. This particular project uses a PIC driving buffers that source=20 current, rather than sink. We've been around for a long time, so I=20 still have a few pieces of a ULN-2982 source buffer chip kicking=20 around. But I'm pretty sure those parts were discontinued a long=20 time ago and I have only a few pieces left. The ULN-2982 is similar to the ULN-2003 or ULN-2803, except that it=20 is non-inverting and it sources current rather than sinking. They=20 use Darlington transistors just like the 2003 / 2803 and can handle,=20 I think, 50V max and 500mA max. No one in their right mind would=20 ever run these chips at 500mA continuously, but the capability is=20 there. Control input for the '2982 is 3-5V, if I recall correctly. What I'm wondering is if there is a modern equivalent to these=20 chips. Something having similar voltage / current ratings but using=20 MOSFETs internally would be really nice. Having them available in=20 DIP package as well as SMT would be a bonus. 7 or 8 channels in a=20 single package is probably the best fit for me. Any suggestions? Many thanks! dwayne --=20 Dwayne Reid Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, AB, CANADA (780) 489-3199 voice (780) 487-6397 fax Custom Electronics Design and Manufacturing --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .