Others have posted good replies already, hope they've helped to connect the= dots=20 for you. Once the underlying principals are learned I suspect each of us summarizes = and=20 simplifies our own knowledge with a mental picture or general analogy that = seems=20 to suit. For me it's this: capacitors and inductors are essentially opposit= es in=20 function, a capacitor attempts to maintain a constant voltage accross it's = terminals=20 and does so by changing the current flowing through itself, an inductor att= empts to=20 maintain a constant current flow and does this by changing the voltage acro= ss itself. > Capacitors: >=20 > I'm trying to (fully) understand the principle of capacitor reactance and > high pass filters. I'm having trouble forming a mental picture of how a > capacitor in series with a signal blocks DC and has the lowest impedance > for the highest frequency signals on a voltage and charge-on-the-plate > level. I can understand how a capacitor tied to ground acts as a buffer a= nd > smoothes out high frequencies by averaging the voltage. But I don't reall= y > get how the reverse is true for a capacitor in series with a signal. I ca= n > see how it blocks DC after it is fully charged. >=20 > 1. How does a capacitor in series work to block a DC signal, but pass a > high frequency signal? > 2. If you apply a voltage to a capacitor in series (keeping in mind that = it > takes time for the voltage from the power source to rise), I understand > that the current before the capacitor is NON-zero. But what about the > current AFTER (on the other side) of the capacitor? Is it zero or non-zer= o > (considering that a capacitor is just two parallel plates)? >=20 >=20 > LC circuits: >=20 > 1. Consider a parallel LC circuit where the bottom is tied to ground and > the top is tied to a mixed-frequency signal source. I understand that the > parallel LC circuit will shunt all frequencies to ground other than those > around its resonant frequency. After the signal source is removed, the > circuit will eventually lose its energy. How do I make an oscillator out = of > such an LC circuit that self-starts (that is, I can simulate in LTSPICE > which doesn't take into account external noise coming into an oscillator > circuit, which is required for some oscillator designs)? I've looked at L= C > oscillator circuit types like the Hartley oscillator, but I don't see how > this can self start in theory under ideal conditions. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .