In my opinion, there are two things that set the maximum source resistance driving a PIC ADC. The first is the hold capacitor charge time. If you are measuring a near DC voltage and not using the PIC input multiplexer to read multiple ADC inputs, this should have no effect. The source resistance and the input hold capacitor form a low pass filter, but does not introduce a steady error. If the input is multiplexed, this becomes an issue. You'll see crosstalk between inputs as it takes time for the input holding capacitor to change voltage from one channel to another. If the signals are slow moving, a way around this is to have a capacitor on the PIC ADC multiplexer input. The ADC input hold capacitor charges from this larger capacitor with minimal voltage change. The second effect of high source resistance is voltage error due to bias current. I do not believe there's a workaround on this. If you need fewer bits resolution, you can round the ADC result to get rid of the error. If you need the full ADC resolution, I think you have to drive with a relatively low resistance source, like the voltage follower suggested by the original poster. Harold --=20 FCC Rules Updated Daily at - Advertising opportunities available! Not sent from an iPhone. --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .