I'm currently using an INA196 high side shunt amplifier in a couple of=20 applications. As I asked/discussed a couple of weeks ago, one of them=20 involves current monitoring the currents through some P-channel FETS,=20 and am looking at moving the sensing from a sense resistor to sensing=20 across the FETS. I of course need to deal with the situation where the FET is off,=20 producing a high differential voltage across the amplifier. I could do=20 this easily in software EXCEPT the INA196 only handles +-18V of=20 differential input, and this happens to need to support up to around 62=20 or 63V... which is fine with the common mode range on the INA196, but=20 like I said not so much on the differential spec. I also use the INA196'es on a couple of other circuits to monitor=20 customer-provided shunts, and have seen some failures related to what I=20 believe is excessive differential voltage inputs as well. For this=20 reason, I'd like to avoid fixing the above problem with something driven=20 along with the FET, and instead handle this as a separate circuit. I think at this point, I need to either protect the INA196 from a high=20 differential input, or switch to a difference amplifier. However, I'm=20 finding this to be a struggle for the following reasons: 1) I am unable to find any difference amplifier which runs at 3.3V and=20 supports the necessary common mode range of 0 (-2 would be better) to=20 65V. Some are close (the AD8207 for instance looks great until you=20 realize the +65V is only at 5V). I'm ok with one which has an=20 integrated ADC as well... I also am hoping for something which is a=20 $1-$2 part, not a $5 part, since I use a lot of these on these boards. 2) Adding protection to the INA196 seems doable, except it also needs to=20 protect 'open' (I can't have it shorting across the shunt and taking=20 current), and have minimal impact on the accuracy of the INA196. A=20 depletion fet seems reasonable, except the high Ron which seems very=20 likely to mess with the accuracy of the INA196. Other options seem=20 prohibitively expensive. Add the fact that we're turning the fets off=20 once a second for a few microseconds and this circuit has to be=20 transient free... well >18V transient free I guess is more accurate. I'm hoping someone knows of a good, relatively inexpensive, difference=20 amp which I could use in this circuit, OR alternatively has an idea for=20 a relatively inexpensive protection circuit which effectively=20 disconnects the INA196 when a differential voltage over a certain=20 threshold is seen. Anyone have any ideas? -forrest --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .