Hi all: Rio's LCD driver is a good chip which can help PIC to driver big size lcds,= even in 800X480! But I have been lost in the datasheets of PIC18F87J11 and= Rio's 8875 chip for a few days, and i found a little confused on how to co= nnect these 2 chips though PIC's EMI interface. Ofcause the data/address bit's are easy to shake hands, but the control pin= s is ... e... hard to make right choice. Can anyone help me? the Rio's datasheet can be found here:http://www.raio.com.tw/Data/Datasheet= /RA88%20Series/Completed/RA8875_DS_V12_Eng.pdf and this is its ref page:http://www.raio.com.tw/T%20version/Member/t_regist= raion8875.htm THANKS for any comments! --=20 BR. ---- Zona --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .