To (potential) JalV2 users, We are glad to announce the availability of release 0.8 of Jallib. You can find it in the *Downloads* section of the *Jallib* project site, see the links at the bottom of this message. The standard jallib-pack-2.4o-0.8.0 package (zip or tar.gz archive) contains: - Tested device files for almost 400 Microchip PICmicros. - Over 125 libaries for all kinds of functions, like: + JAL language extensions: formatting, mathematics, etc. + Control of PIC peripherals: ADC, I2C, PWM, USB, Serial, etc. + Control of external devices: LCD, graphic LCD, LED displays, keyboards, SD memory cards, ATA Harddisk, FAT32, Minix-FS, many sensor types, etc. + different protocols: CAN, TCP, UDP, ARP, etc. - For each device file and library there is at least one *tested* relatively simple example program to show the use of the library. And there are more suffisticated samples for several popular PICs. Altogether almost 1000 samples programs. - A few 'projects': ready to use programs. - Extensive documentation of all libraries in html format, as well a starters guide and a tutorial in PDF-format. - The latest JalV2 compiler (version 2.4o) complete with documentation. There are two additional packages available for download: - jallib-0.8.0 (.zip of .tar.gz) contains the same as above package but excluding compiler and tutorials. - jallib-all_devices-0.8.0 (.zip of .tar.gz) contains all - almost 450 - available device files and blink-a-led samples (including about 50 untested ones). Major enhancements in Jallib version 0.8.0 compared to 0.7.0: - Several new libraries and many improvements in existing libraries. - Many more and improved device files, based on the most recent version of MPLAB (8.83). - Many more interesting simple and advanced example programs. For more details see the file CHANGELOG in the download packages. We recommend to use the latest JalV2 Compiler version 2.4o because it fixes several issues with older releases and has some new features used by some libraries. Some of the samples and libaries may work only with the latest compiler version. There are a couple of pending enhancements who didn't make it with this release, so may keep an eye on our developments! Have fun and inform us about your experiences with Jallib 0.8.0! The Jallib Team. List of places with information related to Jal and Jallib: Jallib project: Jallib discussion: Jallib team: JalV2 compiler: JAL users: Jallib blog: Jal discussion Jaluino project: --=20 R. Hamerling, Netherlands --- --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .