> What is NFC/IPT? Sorry. NFC - Near Field Communications. IPT - Inductive power Transfer Aka Magnetic field as opposed to electric or electromagnetic. Will "pass through" metallic non ferro/para/dia magnetic layers of suitably high resistance with relatively minimal loss. A number of metals are suitably cooperative - Pt, Pa, Ta all run about 8 to 9 x 10E^ S/m which translates to about 6 the resistance of Cu as a conductor or plane surface. Titanium is about 3X better but may or may be unreactive enough. TBD. Make it nice and thin as well (say 10's of micrometres ideally) and you may be able to ignore it. May. Arguably skin effect may allow you to use thicker without much difference at high enough fequency but then other things come along. Anyone played with this? R --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .