THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see why in 2. below. AIM: Best results for all. RESULT: Varies. _________________ HAT: Dunces cap. Bright flashing light. Albatross around neck. Feeble excuse: Up all night editing photos after leaving 'Masquerade Ball' venue at 2am. Minimal sleep subsequently ie no excuse at all. 1. I meant to post that to PICList admin. Because of the way some messages are received this entails a manual address entry. I guess autocomplete or stupidity beat me. I thought I learned that lesson. My genuine apologies an= y negatively affected by this. 'You're welcome' s to any positively affected. There *should* be > 0 of these. 2. THIS THREAD IS CLOSED. ANY THREAD RELATING TO THE RESTAURANT INCIDENT IS CLOSED. ANY TIGHTLY COUPLED OR, perhaps, SOMEWHAT COUPLED MATERIAL IS DEEMED INAPPROPRIATE AND WILL BE TREATED ACCORDINGLY. The above is because my stupid mistake has been used by SW as an 'excuse' t= o add more material which is inflammatory in the context given Bob's previous comments. I may or may not agree with Bob or anyone else on any given occasion BUT using my mistakes as a means of bypassing a not unreasonable request (purposefully or otherwise) is unacceptable. I love SW, but incidents like these make be want to bang his heads* (gently= ) together. [* Zaphod Beeblebrox image comes to mind]. 3. REPLYING TO point 2. above ONLIST IS A REALLY BAD IDEA. PLEASE DON'T. This is to damp down what otherwise can easily gain an unnecessary life of its own. By all means regale me at any length offlist. I'm happy to listen to any points made any anyone is welcome to criticise my approach to this - but please do so offlist. 4. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS ON LIST. Discussion by any offlist is welcome. The original series of 3 posts felt to me like very heavy trolling with the aim of getting strong response. I'd not have considered it was necessarily unacceptable as an OT post BUT i= t was very very marginal because of the firestorm that the discussion of the underlying aspects would almost certainly have caused. 5. IF ANYONE WRITES TO ME OFFLIST ON THIS I WILL COPY YOUR POSTS OFFLIST TO ANYONE ELSE WHO ALSO WRITES unless you ask me not to. This will have the effect of creating a temporary offlist list on this subject .. Russell --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .