::Anyone of you living in south Australia who can make a trip to take a=20 look?=20 The problem is South Australia is in it's own time continuum being 30 =20 minutes different in relation to all other time zones in Australia! That=20 would explain the vortex - lost time. Colin =20 -- cdb, colin@btech-online.co.uk on 29/09/2011 =20 Web presence: www.btech-online.co.uk =20 =20 Hosted by: www.justhost.com.au =20 =20 This email is to be considered private if addressed to a named individual= =20 or Personnel Department, and public if addressed to a blog, forum or news= =20 article. =20 =20 =20 --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .