Jim Higgins wrote: > > Supposing the speed measurements are confirmed beyond doubt, next must co= me a=20 > coherent theory explaining it, otherwise all we have is an unexplained=20 > anomaly. I imagine the theorists are off and running already. > > > > =20 If the Neutrinos have negative rest mass, which is feasible since they=20 are never at rest, then they can go faster than speed of light. The fine print of current theory isn't actually that nothing can go=20 faster than the speed of light, but that the max speed of something with=20 no mass is speed of light in a vacuum and anything with mass becomes=20 infinitely heavy as it tends to speed of light, thus no particle with=20 mass can be accelerated to speed of light, only very close. Perhaps Neutrinos can have a wavelength equal to size of Universe with=20 maximal energy. With Minimal energy it then slows to speed of light ...=20 An in between energy neutrino thus will be some speed between speed of=20 light and everywhere at ones (infinite energy Neutrino). Could then Neutrinos of some kind account for discrepancies in=20 observation of Universe as it looks increasingly likely that the=20 current ideas of Dark matter and Dark energy are hogwash. Really I know nothing about this except that the "Speed of Light" law=20 applies to Light and regular particles. Neutrinos even if they don't=20 have negative mass are sufficiently odd that it's likely nothing other=20 than our understanding of Neutrinos will change if they are going=20 "faster than light in a Vacuum" Through loads of rock too. If they found atoms, light, electrons or protons etc going faster than =20 speed of light you'd need to worrry. But they haven't Instant Faster than Light "Transmission" with Quantum Entanglement. It's not transmission faster than light sadly. You can't make an Ansible=20 out of it. Imagine you have two randomly shuffled packs of cards. One here and an=20 identical one at Alpha Centauri. You do not examine them. Quantum entanglement means you change the random cards here and the ones=20 at Alpha Centauri change too. But you can't even detect the change at=20 Alpha Centauri as you don't know what the card layout was, so you don't=20 know it changed. However if both parties examine the cards and communicate they will find=20 they have the same layout. So you can prove the entanglement took place,=20 by ordinary information transfer at speed of light. But you can never=20 use the quantum entanglement itself to signal with. Pity. Because a pair of these would be handy=20 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansible Of course like "Stargates" (an Idea that seriously pre-dates Stargate)=20 the problem is you have only slower than light craft for distribution or=20 speed of light to distribute plans. =20 --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .