As I didn't have enough time to make my own, I purchased an Intronix Logicport (which somebody from this list suggested me), and I've been very happy so far. 34 channels, 500MHz.. not too expensive. Maybe worth considering as an option vs to build your own. At 18.32 2011.09.20, you wrote: >At 09:07 AM 9/20/2011, V G wrote: > >>You're not the first. I found it a long-ass time ago. I can't stand that >>site. > >You know, VG, that you are starting to look like=20 >a really bad imitation of Olin Lathrop, except without his smarts. > >You are definitely entitled to your own=20 >opinion. However, I really don't like it when=20 >you slam somebody for no particular reason. > > >For what its worth, I purchased two of those=20 >little, really inexpensive 32 channel logic=20 >analyzers. They provide astonishing performance for mere peanuts. > >I've mentioned them on the PIClist previously,=20 >but here is a repeat of that information: > > > >I don't know if you have come across something=20 >called the Open-bench Logic Sniffer (OLS) but its=20 >an open-source logic analyzer based on a PIC and=20 >a FPGA. Its good for up to 32 channels but the=20 >board itself contains only enough 5V-tolerant=20 >buffer inputs for 16 channels. The other 16=20 >channels are brought out to headers: you can use=20 >them directly for 3.3V signals or add on an=20 >inexpensive daughter board containing another channels of 5V-tolerant buff= er. > >Here's the kicker: it costs $50 including=20 >shipping to anywhere in North America (and most=20 >of the rest of the world). Probe sets cost an=20 >extra $6 per input cable of 8 clips +=20 >ground. The daughter-board adding 16 more=20 >buffered input channels is an extra $15. > >Although the firmware is currently evolving, the=20 >current stable firmware is eminently=20 >usable. There are two distinct software=20 >platforms available for it: SUMP and something=20 >expressly designed for the OLS by a forum member with username of jawi. > >The first shipping version has FPGA code written=20 >by somebody who is not particularly=20 >experienced. It works but the performance is=20 >less than what is actually possible. > >The current beta firmware was written by somebody=20 >who actually designs large FPGA systems for a=20 >living. He has apparently gotten almost all of=20 >the features of an Agilent HP 16550a analyzer into the unit. > >Short-list of specs: single-data-rate (max) 100=20 >MHz, double-data-rate sample rate (max) 200 MHz, > >Here's the new firmware author's take on what he has done: > >"My version of the fpga uses 85% of the slices,=20 >keeps the legacy triggers, meets timing easily (at 105Mhz), and adds: > >Trigger Terms: >10 more 32-bit masked value comparisons. >2 range checks. >2 edge checks (rising, falling, both, neither). >2 36-bit timers (10ns to 600sec range). > >States: >16 state FSM >Each state can use any combination=20 >(AND/NAND/OR/NOR/XOR/NXOR) of the trigger terms=20 >for detecting a =93hit=94 condition, and =93else=94 condition, or =93captu= re=94 condition. > >Each state also has a 20-bit hit count that must=20 >be reached before a full =93hit=94 occurs. Hit=20 >actions include setting trigger(run), >starting/stopping timers, and advancing to the next state. > >The =93else=94 condition lets you punt to another state. > >The =93capture=94 condition lets you control what=20 >gets sampled into RAM, until you flip the trigger. > >=85Grab the 16550a user=92s guide. I think you'll be=20 >surprised how much got squeezed in." > >Overview: >In-depth description:=20 > >Even more hardware detail=20 >r-l= ogic-analyzer-2/> >Stable firmware:=20 > >Beta firmware: >Windows software:=20 > >ordering:=20 >tml= ?cPath=3D174> > >There is also a download available for the SUMP=20 >software - I can find that for you if you want. > >Bottom line: you get a REALLY full-featured logic analyzer for peanuts. > >I've been using mine since last fall and I'm=20 >thrilled with it. I can finally retire my ancient Tek unit. > >dwayne > >PS - these are the same guys who designed the Bus=20 >Pirate that a lot of us have been using to do a=20 >myriad of prototyping projects with. > >dwayne > > >--=20 >Dwayne Reid >Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, AB, CANADA >(780) 489-3199 voice (780) 487-6397 fax > >Custom Electronics Design and Manufacturing > > >--=20 > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive >View/change your membership options at > --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .