Here is a recent experience: My Amateur radio club puts a new fellow in the position of maintaining=20 the club repeaters. His day job is managing engineers. The 2 meter=20 machine has become a little temperamental lately, while the 440 machine=20 is trouble free. It is not really convenient to get to the equipment for=20 him. He notes that the 2 meter unit cabinet is a little warmer than the=20 other one. He considers the situation on the long ride home and orders=20 an Arduino module with temp sensor and a web adapter shield, noting that=20 the web adapter costs more than than the rest of the stuff put together.=20 He puts it all together in one evening and it works the first time. An=20 after work trip to the repeater site is required to place the unit in=20 the cabinet. He collects data for a week or so and feels the cooling is=20 marginal. next trip to the site he takes along the tools necessary to=20 increase ventilation. Monitoring continues. So far, no quirks. He is=20 now considering the matter of further data collection & control since=20 the hardware is in place. While many will scoff and simply observe that the problem was simple and=20 any fool should have seen that more air was needed, our man analyzed,=20 quantified, fixed and verified the situation with off the shelf tools=20 with a minimum of travel and labor. Review of the incident (informal)=20 reveals the potential to minimize both the frequency and impact of=20 further problems. There is no doubt in my mind the he is a manager I could work for! The Arduino concept is a good one. The idea of a product package that=20 can be quickly customized onsite and adapted with minimal programming=20 skills has arrived. Copy the concept, it works! On 9/16/2011 9:14 PM, IVP wrote: >>> What variables ? What exactly is wrong, functionally, with the Arduino = ? >> It's actually very little for the money and a poorly designed form facto= r > That didn't answer the question. Are Arduinos unfit for purpose ? --=20 John Ferrell W8CCW "Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened." --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .