> A hammer is a piece of metal. There's almost nothing that can go wrong. > I respectfully believe this model is an over simplification of the issue. > In contrast, a microcontroller circuit is so much more complicated piece > of equipment. There are many variables, and using such a system without > understanding these variables is the problem. I don't follow what you are saying here. If you were to go and attempt to u= se a piece of cast iron as the hammer head (after all, it is just a piece o= f metal) then you would get a nasty surprise the first time you attempted t= o do any real work with it. There is a surprising amount of technology in t= he metal used for a hammer head. Perhaps a better example is when building a house. I would go to a speciali= st joiner to get the roof trusses made, rather than go through the loop of = designing them, doing the stress calculations (just what is the snow loadin= g in this area?) and then doing the cutting and fitting. So it is with microprocessors. I think you are needlessly dissing the folk = you see using Aurdinos as a hardware base. It may be that the slant on the = class you are observing is toward software, and the hardware design - if sp= ecialist hardware is needed - is done by a separate team. That is certainly= the way the laboratory I work for does things. When I design the hardware = I may well do certain things on the basis that I expect certain software co= nstructs or routines to be used, but the end software is up to the guys tha= t are trained software engineers.=20 I also do some software, but I certainly don't do it on the basis of normal= ly doing both the hardware and software. As others have pointed out, there = will typically be two teams designing the product, the hardware team, and t= he software team. The software team may well use 'standard' hardware like a= n Ardino or PIC Explorer16 board to get software development and testing un= der way while waiting for the hardware to be designed, debugged, and a dece= nt test bed version of it supplied to the software team. Then once the 'rea= l' hardware arrives some defines at the beginning of the software get chang= ed and recompiled to suit the hardware differences. I suspect the medical equivalent is the anaesthetist in the operating theat= re - he has a knowledge of how the human body works and uses that to ensure= the patient survives. The surgeon however, relies on the specialist knowle= dge of the anaesthetist to make sure that side of things goes without probl= ems. Technically the surgeon can do the anaesthetists job, except the latte= r has gone on to do specialist training in that area that the doctor hasn't= .. So it is with hardware and software designers - the software designer needs= only a basic knowledge of the hardware to properly do his job. Technically= the software person may be able to design the hardware, and may get involv= ed in discussions with what is required on the hardware side to make the ma= chine work properly, and some people are skilled enough to do both sides - = but not necessarily everybody. If you do have the ability to do both, count= yourself lucky, and you will probably go a long way. In your case you may = be adding the medical specialty to your toolbox, and that will give you a v= ery special mix of three important areas of expertise - but don't use your = abilities to put down others without careful consideration of what may have= been the original specification of the job at hand. --=20 Scanned by iCritical. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .