I am using PIC32MX460F512 microcontroller in one of my projects. My project involves storing some parameters in the Non-volatile memory (EEPROM) of PIC32MX so that I can read and use it on power-on. I am using the DEE emulation library - dee_emulation_pic32.c and dee_emulation_pic32.h as a reference for this purpose.=20 But this file writes to only 680 locations and one page as it is a demo illustration. Each page has about 1024 K words and I intend to write approximately 8K words to the NVM. But giving addresses higher than 1024 causes it to return an error as it goes beyond the limits of the page. I wa= s of the opinion that for addresses higher than 1024, it should automatically increment page numbers but it seems that it doesnt do so resulting in error= ..=20 Can someone please help me in this matter. I am clueless as to what parameter to change to write to addresses higher than 1024. Increasing the page size to higher than 1024 doesnt help either. Neither does increasing number of pages help.=20 Thanks and Regards, Sid --=20 View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Writing-to-PIC32MX-NVM-= memory---DEE-Emulation-library-tp32163434p32163434.html Sent from the PIC - [PIC] mailing list archive at Nabble.com. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .