On 26/07/2011 00:39, IVP wrote: >> In practice you have to compete with all other subjects, so you >> > will get less time for your class than you think is optimal > That's fair enough and I can appreciate that > > My reasoning was one step past the classroom - the real-world > applications your students are likely to want to use PICs for > I think the purpose of the course is Assembler, rather than training=20 people in the best PIC. Most people are better to use HLL than=20 assembler, ever. But everyone learning electronics and programming=20 should learn assembler and do one Assembler project, even if they never=20 intend to do Assembler or PIC again. The local Uni uses a Flash based 8051 with a boot loader for Assembler=20 course. I've encountered/programmed in 8051, Z80, 8086, NEC 78HC11, SC/MP, RCA=20 CDP1802 (it's used in Racal/Grinel Frequency hopping security, early=20 spread spectrum SSB radio). Oddly I quite liked the 78HC11 with its=20 tests that only skipped or not the next instruction. Back in 1984 I=20 wrote a Forth like environment in assembler for it. I didn't at all like=20 the 8051 compared to Z80 back then and the chip count saving on the=20 projects we were doing was minimal. Back in the day a lot of these things didn't have decent HLL. On PIC I=20 did 3 or 4 assembler projects before switching to C, then JALv2. I think everyone should learn "an" Assembler as part of the learning=20 process. Knuth even had a fake simulated one on the timeshared mainframe=20 for his students. (ref "Fundamental Algorithms" subtitled "The Art of=20 Computer Programming" 2nd Edition 1973). So choice of Assembler &=20 PIC16F887 isn't about suitability for industrial projects, it's part of=20 an educational strategy. Similarly only using one Vendor of cpus is a bit strange. IMO the=20 10F/12F/16F/18F are "PIC"s and can be chosen on basis of package, I/O,=20 speed, RAM, Flash and USB from Microchip's selector. For a project=20 needing more "power" I prefer to select the appropriate x86, ARM, MIPS=20 SoC and suitable Off the shelf OS. Then a much wider range of tools,=20 libraries etc are available. You *CAN* use an 18F with a Colour LCD touch screen, Ethernet, USB, HDD,=20 SD card reader etc. But is it a sensible starting point because you have=20 used 16F and 18F PICs up till now? There are all the higher end=20 Microchip CPUs with libraries for these things too. But choosing any of=20 them just because of 10F/12F/16F/18F familiarity isn't logical. You need=20 to look at Atom, Geode, Broadcom MIPs, Thomson STseries, Samsung ARM and=20 Texas ARM families. Maybe even Sharc and Blackfin from AMD. You need to=20 look at regular and real time linux, QNX and other specialist OS, rather=20 than a compromise OS shoehorned onto an 18F. Choice depends on=20 Application area and if mains or battery and how important User=20 applications are vs an appliance. Even set-boxes and TVs now there may=20 be need to run HbbTV, Java, MHEG5 user or OTA installed aplications=20 etc., not just the "factory" installed features. --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .