> That's what I exactly trying to do, ignoring the thread. But if someone > constantly creating a new thread about the same thing, then I cannot igno= re > the thread -- except writing a script that ignores every thread created b= y > that person which I wanted to avoid since sometimes might be interested t= o > see the subject or might even be able to help. But if you created new thr= ead > every time you answered (which you did not), then now we would have sever= al > threads by now like "Tiny bootloader, is it good or bad?", "AN310 is it g= ood > for me?", "Is ZPL the best bootloader ever?" and then *after* all of thes= e a > new one all in a sudden asking "Is there any way to upload new firmware > without a programmer". Still the same subject from the same OP (in this c= ase > you, John), and you did it right to keep it in one thread, but I just can= 't > see the same approach by VG which makes it really difficult to follow up > things plus ignore or follow up the conversation if wanted. > > Anyway, someone has to say it loud, but this is not how this mailing list > was working years before and not sure if this is the desired way. > > BTW dumb questions are welcome by everyone, as long as the suggested > literature being read and the dumbness is not coming from laziness. > > Tamas > > Thank you for your willingness to share! I try to avoid annoying the resources here because I find the advice (or=20 silence) to be very helpful. You are one of those resources and I hope you will choose=20 to not filter me and my dumb questions out. VG's life is just beginning to bud. I believe your life to be "mature=20 and Accomplished". My life is well past the Mature level and might best be described as=20 "Over Ripe!" Humor intended. I think it natural that both of us test your patience. From reading your=20 posts I know you are clever enough to avoid both of us if you really want to. I believe VG keeps coming back because he is learning from the PicList.=20 I know I am. BTW, the bootloader study is coming along nicely. It is looking like the=20 situation is not that complicated but most of the online information is dis=20 organized. The documentation is more about making it work rather than understanding how=20 it works. I am very hard to annoy or upset. Much of the over reaction I have seen=20 on the list I attribute to language and cultural and language differences. I stumble into that situation too frequently! No offense intended! --=20 *John Ferrell W8CCW* ** *'A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should=20 survey the world. '* *George Santayana* ** --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .