Request: ALWAYS remove subject tag when changing subjects. In this case " ... [OT ... [OT ... " so probably no great harm but principle needs observing. Comment: Including all old title in subject when utterly leaping about has never seemed overly useful to me. Whatever. Given both of the above I've rejigged it utterly, thus proliferating subject lines The following is close enough to political that you may feel the warmth from the fire. Tread maturely if ongoing life is required. [That's a Delphic statement btw. :-) ]. > They did not like your electronics ? =A0What was the reasoning ? China. Olympic city (yachting). Because they could. Anything that might be a security risk, might be thought to be able to be a security risk, could be pretended to be a security risk, or whose face they did not like got banned, or looked at carefully. The whole country was noticeably tightened up in the 6 months or so prior to the Olympics and not detightend again for a long while afterwards. China has a 2nd region very light Tibet in numerous ways. It very largely vanished off the face of the earth communication wise for about 6 months in the last year or few and few here noticed and/or said anything. They have many real problems and some perceived ones and some which appear to be manufactured and may or may not be. During the recent approach to a major C' holiday we were trying to send batteries by air from C to elsewhere. Rules go changed so we couldn't until after the break,. Security reasons. We arranged to get them carried to Hong Kong (still OK) and air freighted from there. That too got shut down before we managed to use it. We could have had them legally hand carried by courier and taken into HK but it was not worth the effort and cost. We waited. Balanced against what may seem an unhealthy paranoia is the fact that something real could happen to upset the status quo starting anywhere anytime. If status quo mattere to you then some extreme effort may be required to maintain it. Even PICList management is easier. R --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .