Forest, It might be worth investigating using a very small series resistor with=20 a TI INA21X. current shunt monitor. The chip output reference can be attached to something other than ground=20 and the small value resistor needed allows very low insertion loss and=20 low wattage rating. Different parts in the family have different gains, so you can choose=20 one that fits your needs. Data sheet: I can't spend a lot of time to see if this really fits your app, but I=20 thought I'd mention it here because I bet if you take a look you'll find=20 a nice way to use it and I suspect it will save you some $ over the=20 Allegro part. Just make sure you have dedicated sense lead connections to the inputs=20 to avoid voltage drop in the main current path which leads to errors. If=20 you do this right you can get good results. > Mark Skeels > Engineer > Competition Electronics, Inc. > TEL: 815-874-8001 > FAX: 815-874-8181 > > On 6/23/2011 11:38 AM, Michael Watterson wrote: >> what is resolution of ADC compared to accuracy of the sensor? Does it >> actually matter if full adc range isn't used? If so save on HW and just >> scale in SW. Unless you use precision resistors etc adding an op-amp may >> reduce accuracy? > I'm going to be using a 10 bit ADC in a PIC. Vdd/Vss references, 3.3V > So 3.3/1024 =3D ~3mV/step. > > For various reasons (primarily increasing the number of places this part > can be used), i'd really like to use the +-25A version of the Allegro > product. In this case, I'm most interested in 0-+5A. > > 0A corresponds to 1.67V. 5A corresponds to (5*0.055+1.67)=3D 1.945V. > So, a range of 275ma over the range of interest... or just under 100 > steps. > > Or using the other math... 55mV per AMP, or about 1/20th of an amp per > step. Not sure that is enough resolution for me. > > I was considering moving the ADC references but there just isn't enough > to gain - you need at least 2V from Vref+ to Vref-, which means I'd be > lucky to gain another 100 steps. > > Although I have to admit, the most usable option I've come up with so > far is to give up and use the 12.5A version, and move the Vref- to > around 1.2V, which should put us at 2.1V/1024 =3D 2mV/step, and the about > 55 steps/amp... or 0.02A per 'step', which seems quite a bit better, and > then do math in software to get the right values. > > -forrest > --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .