Hi all. I'm trying to retrofit an LCD onto another project. Because of the shortage in pins, I'm running in 4 bit mode. After banging my head against a wall for quite a while, I've managed to come up with the magical delay values that seem to make this particular module happy (notably different than the already two different options provided in the two possible controller datasheets, naturally). I've been using some of Philip Pemberton's great LCD library (available on the PICList.org website), and I'm gradually adapting it and writing my own for this particular purpose. The code is mostly working, so I'm soldiering on in that area. One thing that's happening is that I think I'm getting glitches on the enable line to the LCD. At the moment the LCD module is connected to the board via a number of separate wires about 6" long. While I hope to make it a bit neater (and shorter) for the final, that is likely how it will have to go. I think this is upsetting the LCD as I can get it to reliably fail if I disconnect the lead from my logic analyzer to the enable pin. So I'd like to help my module attain the kind of happiness that only reliable operation can provide it. I have a couple of options here. I'm likely going to make a small PCB for the LCD to hold the contrast pot, a connector for the wiring harness back to the main PCB, and the module itself. On that PCB I could easily add a resistor or cap (or both). On the main PCB I can add a capacitor or resistor between the enable pin and ground, and I might be able to add a resistor between the PIC and the enable pin. To be honest, I wouldn't mind adding at least a 100R resistor on all the LCD pins in case someone mistakenly tries to send voltage on to the output pins by accident. So what might be the best thing for me to do? If it's worthwhile I can add the same thing for each of the 6 pins on the LCD PCB (enable, RS, Data4-Data7). My current plan would be to test out solutions with my current, extremely bad setup. If it makes things happier now, I would hope it could only get better with a proper setup. Thanks! Josh --=20 A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 -Douglas Adams --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .