This appeared in the Elektor news letter.=0A= =0A= The battery uses what MIT are calling a semi-solid flow cell=0A= =0A= quote:=0A= =0A= In this design, the battery=92s active components =97 the positive and nega= tive =0A= electrodes, or cathodes and anodes =97 are composed of particles suspended = in =0A= a liquid electrolyte. These two different suspensions are pumped through = =0A= systems separated by a filter, such as a thin porous membrane. =0A= =0A= They say the technology increases the battery energy density by 10 allowing= =0A= smaller and lighter (weight) batteries for a given energy capacity.=0A= =0A= To work the solid in suspension electroylyte has to be pumped from one =0A= terminal to the other, I'm a little puzzled how this pumping action is, =0A= well, powered. =0A= =0A= Full article here - =0A= =0A= Colin=0A= =0A= --=0A= cdb, 3/07/2009=0A= =0A= --=0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= -- =0A= PIC/SX FAQ & list archive=0A= View/change your membership options at=0A= .