FIve years ago, our company started to regularly sponsor local student=20 teams. This semester, we sponsored two teams, and met an exceptionally=20 determined and gifted student who designed and built an electronic chess=20 board. I thought you guys might like to see the pictures (it's a FaceBook=20 album): The goal of the project was to build a "smart" chess board. There are=20 sixteen modules, each with a PIC24H controlling four squares. Each square=20 has a hall effect sensor, and an RGB LED to light up the piece from below.= =20 The hall effect sensor is used to determine whether the square is empty, or= =20 has a "black" or "white" piece. Each of the pieces has a small circular=20 magnet that fits over the square's LED to align the magnet over the sensor. Brian spent at least 80 hours working on our premises (plus untold hours=20 working on the project at home). In one month, he: - Mastered EAGLE, which he used to create parts, capture the schematic, and= =20 lay out the PCB - Learned how to make (etch) rapid prototypes using presensitized PCBs - Learned MPLAB/C30 and used it to generate test and production code - Reflowed/soldered, what amounts to a small production run (16) of hybrid= =20 (SMT/PTH) boards If you know any professors or students in North Phoenix, you can tell them= =20 about the sponsorship. We match student spending dollar for dollar, up to=20 $1000. More importantly, we are happy to donate our time to advise, teach,= =20 provide feedback, review schematics, and let the students use our tools and= =20 equipment. The requirements are very lax: it just has to be a reasonably=20 complicated electronic project. I'll post the pictures of the Solar Tracker project, by Friday. Best regards, Vitaliy Maksimov Co-Founder, General Manager, LLC +1 623 582-2366 P.S. Each photo has a "Download" link which lets you see the hi-res version= =20 of the image.=20 --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .