Simply use a PIC24, dsPIC or PIC32 and program it with the freely available algorithms. Here in Brazil we cannot buy anything that includes hardware=20 cryptography, so we use standard MCUs and put the cryptography in the firmware. A dsPIC running at 40MIPS can do a great deal of AES encryption/decryption per second. Isaac Em 15/6/2011 03:13, Christopher Head escreveu: > Hi guys, > Do any of you know of ICs one can buy to perform cryptographic > primitives (block ciphers, hashes, etc.)? I looked around Digikey in > the categories that seemed reasonable, but couldn't seem to find any > such devices. I know I've heard of one before (even seem its > datasheet), but I can't seem to find the part now. > > Thanks! > Chris --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .