On 09/06/11 15:34, PICdude wrote: > Depends on where you're at. I've lived in a number of different > places and can clearly see a difference between how people drive. > Here in South Florida, people are very rude. I'd say 99% of the time > when I put on a turn signal to change lanes, the driver in the other > lane will rush up to ensure I can't get in front of them. And a cop > recently did this to me too. Try Leeds sometime. Drive around Harehills and parts of Roundhay and you might as well be=20 writing a suicide note. Most people seem to treat driving as a "them vs.=20 us" situation, and act accordingly. Jumping red lights, amber-jumping=20 (accelerating when the light goes from green to amber), cutting in=20 without signalling, and tailgating are all commonplace. Last I heard, Harehills had the highest incidence of uninsured and/or=20 unlicensed drivers in West Yorkshire... (no prizes for guessing where=20 the main DSA driving test centre for Leeds is!) Even had some little yob throw a bunch of carpet tacks on the road while=20 I was in the middle of a driving test. Blew out the back near-side=20 tyre... yeesh. "Test failed: vehicle unsuitable for driving test." I haven't had much luck with driving tutors either. =A36k in lessons and=20 tests, four tutors, two theory tests, nine failed practical tests (plus=20 the "vehicle failure") and I've called it a day. I think I'll stick to=20 the trains... > Another fear of mine is the traffic-signal cameras that have started > popping up everywhere. Geez, those things are evil. And the speed cameras. The contrast in=20 statistics is quite amusing: the "Safety Camera Partnerships" are=20 howling about how speedtraps are a good thing, and how they reduce=20 accidents. Problem is, RTAs have been on a downward trend for years.=20 Correlation !=3D causation. In some cases, the cameras have actually CAUSED accidents as people slam=20 on the brakes just before reaching them.... Yes you can drop 20MPH in a=20 couple of seconds, but God help the guy behind you! I'm going to argue that there are plenty of circumstances where=20 *speeding up* is the correct way to avoid a collision (usually with a=20 vehicle behind you) or at least buy a few extra fractions of a second.=20 Indeed, in some road conditions (IIRC ice is one of them) speeding up is=20 the easiest way to regain control of the vehicle -- applying the brakes=20 will make you spin out. Dealing with tailgaters, however, is easy: slow down. WAY, WAY down.=20 Somewhere around 20MPH is good :) --=20 Phil. piclist@philpem.me.uk http://www.philpem.me.uk/ --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .