Alright, thank you all for the support, as usual I started too fast... well:=A0 answer to question 1: I have to build a=A0local oscillator, so rotating an = encoder=20 or using a keyboard, I have to set the frequency value in MHz. answer to question 2: To get that frequency value into the DDS, I have to s= end a=20 32bit word into the DDS via serial port. No matter, so far, about sending bytes to the DDS (I'll take a look to spec= ific=20 app notes later), the trouble now comes when I have to manage frequency val= ue=20 and get it in 32bit. The formula is M =3D (f0 * 2^32)/fc=20 M is the 32bit word to send to the DDS f0 is the variable that=A0user may change fc is the DDS clock (assume it 50MHz) I'll have 4 bytes to send to the DDS: W1 W2 W3 and W4. W1 is the=A0"upper" byte containing bit=A031=A0and W4 is the "lower" byte c= ontaining=20 bit 0.=20 Sending procedure will start from the LSB of W4 (bit 0) ending with MSB in = W1=20 (bit 32).=20 Then, another word will be sent, but this won't be a problem because there = won't=20 be changes in it. So, at the end, my problem is not how to cut 32bit in 4 but how to manage t= he=20 frequency and the 32bit word.=20 It comes obvious that I have to think ALWAYS about 4 bytes while doing the= =20 calculations. That's hard for me... but maybe I can do it :-)=A0=A0 I planned to set a start frequency and let the PIC do the first calculation= to=20 send the first M in the DDS (this could be also the last frequency memorize= d or=20 simply a "reset value" related to an external switch). First of all, I thought about mikrobasic language bue to the 32bit word, bu= t I=20 do not really like to write in basic, I want to try in ASSY. Only if f I wi= ll=20 fail, I'll get back to mikrobasic: I own a mikroe EasyPIC5 board... but I a= lways=20 used MPLAB to program. So, that's all so far, I am coming back to programming and this is a true=20 challenge for me, thank you once againn for your help. Matteo --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .