Maybe because it's Monday. I'd like octal PNP driver to switch up to -40V for VFD from PIC. Like a ULN2803, except PNP. Run common off +5V, and collectors all to=20 -24V via 100K ohm. Anyone know of a cheap easily available part? I don't see a pnp version of a ULN2803, I can just use 24 BC557 or=20 2N3906 PNP etc... Just thinking... Run filament + and - off AC at -15V (need 3.5V AC "centre tapped" at=20 just under 50mA, put 6.8V zeners on both ends of filament and drive both=20 ends via capacitors with anti-phase pulses from 5V to give 3.5V average?) The Anodes / Grids need to be pulled down by 100k Ohms to about 4.5V=20 below filament. If filament is "centre tapped" AC ish drive, then -V=20 needs to be about 7V below filament, 6.8V zeners. Max current is about=20 50mA on the -24V (one digit on and all segments on) I think as Anode=20 (segment) current only flows in lit digit (one grid on). So 700mW=20 wasted in Zeners... Maybe two boost inverters, one for filament /=20 cathode and one that's 7v more negative for 100k pull downs would save=20 500mW to 600mW --=20 PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at .