On Sat, 14 May 2011 02:20 +0100, "Oli Glaser" wrote: > If I could jump in here and ask a couple of stupid questions.. > How much (rough figure) is this LASIK treatment and would it suit me? > I an still relatively young, and I went to get my eyes tested about a=20 > year or so ago. Turns out my left eye is very slightly out, and my right= =20 > is pretty much okay. I can't remember the prescription (have it around=20 > somewhere) but it was for very "mild" lenses. I just never got round to=20 > getting the glasses, which would be for reading/computer use. > Since I do so much work on the computer, and read a lot, I was wondering= =20 > if the occasional lapses in concentration and "tired" eye symptoms (both= =20 > unusual for me, getting more common recently) would be improved by=20 > sorting this out one way or the other. > So - should I get glasses? (I think I know the answer to this, but I was= =20 > more interested to hear before/after comparisons, and get an idea of=20 > where it should go on my "to do" list) > Should I go for LASIK? (I would prefer this if there are no "catches",=20 > e.g. it makes things worse later on, can go wrong, doesn't last long,=20 > etc. Not particularly concerned about the price factor) Hi Oli, Unless you regularly work in environments with dusty or chemical-filled air I would recommend disposable contact lenses. They don't correct for astigmatism but other than that give pretty good correction. And no barrel distortion like you get with glasses. They are pretty safe and you could buy a lot of them for the price of Lasik. One-day-use are about $USD 0.70 and 2-week-use are about $USD 2.20 each. I have ones for use during the work week, and others for weekend sports, with different correction. Try that with Lasik :) Cheerful regards, Bob --=20 http://www.fastmail.fm - mmm... Fastmail... --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist .